Apple Ross Nonpareil
A very old Irish heritage variety of dessert apple, also called French Pippin, as it was first grown in Rosslare from a pip of French origin. Round, medium sized fruit, light greenish-yellow with patches and stripes of red and heavy golden-brown russeting. Rich, aromatic, pear-drop flavour, sweet, with a good acid balance. Apple Ross Nonpareil is a moderately vigorous, rather twiggy, upright tree. Spur-bearer. Heavy cropper – thinning recommended for larger apples. Early flowering, so less suitable for colder sites. Late harvest and good storing qualities, like many russets; the apples hold on the tree after leaf-fall. Resistant to canker and very resistant to scab – a good choice for wetter areas.
This Irish Heritage Apple variety was originally saved and propagated by Irish Seed Savers in Scarriff, County Clare.
Site: Tolerates inland exposure
Soil: Any reasonably well drained
Position: Crops best in full sun
Pick: From early October into November
Keep: November to January
Hardiness: Hardy
Pollination: Group 1 (pollinates with Groups 1 and 2)
Uses: Eating apple
During the bareroot season, our apples are pre pruned before being dispatched by mail order.